Thursday, 25 July 2013

Bukanlah Syiah ( Pengikut Setia Ahlul Bait ) kalau bukan Ahlus Sunnah Nabi s.a.w

Jannatul Baqi' makam imam-imam Ahlul Bait Imam Hassan, Imam Ali Zainal Abidin, Imam Muhammad Baqir dan Imam Ja'far Sadiq sebelum diruntuhkan Wahhabi pada 1925 dan setelah diruntuhkan sedangkan mereka inilah yang paling soleh dari segala Salafussoleh yang di dakwa menjadi pegangan para so-called Salafiyyin dan Wahabi. Dimanakah kesolehan anda meruntuhkan makam anakcucu Nabi yang paling soleh. Semua orang tidak dapat ditipu pada setiap masa wahai so-called jaguh-jaguh pembela Salaf ??!! malu anda pada Nabi !!!

Warisan Nabi dan Ahlul Bait dimusnahkan warisan anda diwartakan sebagai monumen dan warisan terpelihara umat Islam. Malu anda dan saya pada Nabi !!!

Berkata Imam Muhammad Al-Baqir ibnu Ali Zainal Abidin ibnu Hussein ibnu Ali ibnu Abi Talib a.s cicit Rasulullah s.a.w kepada Jabir Al-Ansari :

Wahai Jabir apakah memadai orang mengaku dirinya Syiah ( Pengikut Sejati dan Setia Ahlul Bait Nabi s.a.w ) dengan hanya mendakwa dia mencintai kami Ahlul Bait ?

Demi Allah bukanlah Syiah kecuali orang yang bertakwa kepada Allah dan mentaatiNya dan mereka itu tidak dikenali wahai Jabir kecuali dengan tawadhu' ( merendah diri ) dan khusyu' dan beramanah dan banyak zikrullah dan berpuasa dan solat dan berbuat baik kepada ibu bapa dan peduli kepada jiran tetangga dari kalangan orang-orang fakir, miskin, orang-orang yang menanggung hutang dan anak-anak yatim dan benar tutur kata dan mengaji Al-Quran dan menahan lidah dari berkata tentang orang lain kecuali tentang kebaikan dan mereka adalah pemegang amanah kaum kerabat mereka di dalam harta benda.

Berkata Jabir bin Abdullah Al-Ansari : Wahai Putera Rasulullah s.a.w, kami tidak mengenali seorang pun pada hari ini dengan sifat begini.

Berkata Imam Baqir a.s : Wahai Jabir, janganlah pegangan-pegangan dan mazhab-mazhab menyesatkan kamu dimana seseorang itu cukup mengatakan aku mencintai Ali dan berpegang dan berwala' kepada beliau tetapi amal perbuatannya tidak mengiyakannya.

Maka jika ia mendakwa, aku mencintai Rasulullah s.a.w maka Rasulullah s.a.w lebih mulia dari Ali a.s, pantas orang itu tidak mengikuti sirahnya baginda s.a.w dan tidak pun beramal dengan Sunnah baginda s.a.w maka tidaklah bermanfaat langsung dakwaan cintanya kepada Rasulullah s.a.w.

Maka bertakwalah kepada Allah dan beramallah untuk ganjaran yang ada di sisi Allah. Tidak ada hubungan kekerabatan diantara Allah dengan seseorang.

Orang yang paling dicintai di sisi Allah dan paling mulia ialah yang paling bertakwa dan yang paling mentaati Allah . Wahai Jabir, demi Allah tidak dekat kepada Allah kecuali dengan ketaatan dan tiadalah perlepasan dari api neraka bersama kami dan tiadalah hujjah bagi seseorang keatas Allah kerana sesiapa yang taat kepada Allah maka dia pencinta kami dan sesiapa yang mengingkari Tuhan dia memusuhi kami dan wilayat kami Ahlul Bait tidak tercapai kecuali dengan amalan dan kewarakan ( Menjauhkan diri dari dosa ) [ Kitab Al-Kafi Jilid 2 ]

Tahniah kepada semua khasnya Imam Zaman Al-Mahdi Al-Muntazar a.f.s ulangtahun Maulid Imam Mahammad Al-Baqir a.s 1 Rejab 57 Hijrah yang telah syahid pada tahun 114H dengan arahan khalifah Hisham bin Abdul Malik Bani Marwan dan dikebumikan di perkuburan Baqi' Madinah Munawwarah.

Petua Ayatullah Fakhr : Orang yang punya stress disemburkan sedikit semburan mawar di bantal tidurnya, sangat berfaedah untuk menenangkannya dan memperbaiki gangguan saraf.

The Difference Between Sunni and Shia Explained English

Shias are Muslims.Listen the difference between Sunni and Shia Muslims from a Shia Scholar.

Friday, 5 July 2013

The Grave Of H. Fatema (sa)- A Secret Till Today

In the darkness of the jet-black night, when eyes were asleep and voices were silent, a Heavenly procession left Ali’s house while carrying the Messenger of Allah’s daughter to her final abode. The heartbreaking procession moved towards an unknown location followed by a small number of devoted ones… They were Ali, Hassan, Hussain, Zainab and Umme Kulthum… Abu Dhar, Ammar, Miqdad, and Salman were following them.

Where were the thousands who inhabited Medina?! One asks, and the answer came: Fatima (AS) requested that they may not be present at her funeral!!

Failing Attempts
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At sunrise people gathered to participate in Fatima’s funeral, but they were informed that the darling of Allah’s Messenger (S) had been secretly buried during the night.Meanwhile, Ali(AS)made the shapes of four fresh graves in Baqi’ so as to conceal the location where Fatima was buried. When the people entered the graveyard, they were confused as to which spot was actually Lady Fatima Zahra’s grave; the people turned towards each other and with feelings of guilt said:

"Our Prophet (S) has not left behind but one daughter, yet she has died and was buried without our participation in the funeral or the prayer rituals. We do not even realize the place where she has been buried”

Noticing that a revolt might be ignited because of the emotional atmosphere this event created, the governing party announced: “Select a group of Muslim women and ask them to dig these graves so that we may find Fatima(AS) and perform prayers on her.”

Yes! They attempted to execute the plan, violating Fatima’s will and causing Ali’s attempts to hide the grave to lay vainly.Have they forgotten Ali’s sharp sword and his well-known courage!! Did they really think that Ali would remain indifferent to their outrageous actions up to the point of letting them dig Fatima’s grave?!

Ali (AS)was asked by the Prophet (S)to have patience, but only to a certain extent; when Ali (AS) received the news of the about-to-be-executed plot, he put on his fighting gear and rushed towards Baqi’. A man from among the people called out:

“This is Ali Ibn Abu Talib leveling his sword and saying: If anyone moves even a mere stone from these graves, I shall strike even the “back of the last follower of the unjust.”

People who realized Ali’s seriousness, took his threats with complete belief that he would do just as he said if anyone were to oppose him. Yet, a man from the governing ones addressed Ali (AS) by saying:

“What is the matter, Abu Al-Hassan?! By Allah, we shall dig her grave out and perform prayers on her.”

Ali (AS) then grabbed the man by his clothes, shook him and threw him to the ground and said:

“Son of the Sawada! I have abandoned my right to prevent people from forsaking their faith, but as regards Fatima’s grave, by Him in whose hand is my soul, if you and your followers attempt to do anything to it, I will irrigate the ground with your blood!!”

At this, Abu Bakr said; “Abu Al-Hassan, I ask you by the right of Allah’s Messenger, and by Him Who is above the Throne: leave him alone and we will not do anything which you would not approve of…”

Thus, until this day, the location of Fatima’s grave remains a secret.

How Wahabis destroyed the Graveyard of Jannatul Baqi ?

Jannat-ul-Baqi’ is a much revered graveyard located in Madinah Munawwarah in Saudi Arabia. Many great personalities of the Ahle Bait (a.s.), immaculate members of his (s.a.w.a.) household including his (s.a.w.a.) successors are laid to rest here:
  1. Hazrat Fatemah al-Zahra (a.s.), the Prophet’s (s.a.w.a.) highly-revered daughter
  2. Imam Hasan b. Ali – Al Mujtaba (a.s.)
  3. Imam Ali b. Husain – Zain al-Aabedeen (a.s.)
  4. Imam Muhammad b. Ali – Al-Baqir (a.s.) and
  5. Imam Jafar b. Muhammad – Al-Sadiq (a.s.)
In addition to the successors of the Messenger (s.a.w.a.), prominent and famous companions of the Prophet (s.a.w.a.) and his (s.a.w.a.) close relatives are also buried here:
  1. Abbas b. Abdul Muttalib (Prophet’s (s.a.w.a.) uncle)
  2. Safiyyah bint Abdil Muttallib and Aatika bint Abdil Muttalib (Prophet’s aunts (s.a.w.a.))
  3. Ibrahim b. Muhammad (Prophet’s (s.a.w.a.) son)
  4. Hazrat Fatima binte Asad (Prophet’s (s.a.w.a.) aunt and Ameerul Momineen’s (a.s.) mother (a.s.))
  5. Aqeel b. Abi Talib (Prophet’s (s.a.w.a.) cousin and Ameerul Momineen’s (a.s.) brother)
  6. Muhammad b. Ali b. Abi Taalib, famous as Muhammad-e-Hanafiyyah (his mother’s name was Hanafiyyah)
  7. Hazrat Ummul Baneen (mother of Hazrat Abul Fazl Abbas b. Ali b. Abi Taalib (a.s.))
  8. Ismail b. Imam Sadiq (a.s.)
  9. Abdullah b. Jafar-e-Tayyaar (a.s.)
These are the individuals buried in Baqi’ and their graves were adorned with mausoleums and tombs. Even today Muslims have preserved pictures of the tombs and these are widely available on internet websites. These tombs were present till 8th Shavval 1344 A.H. Apart from these great personalities, graves of approximately seven thousand famous companions are located in Baqi’. Similarly, many scholars of the early days of Islam are also buried here, like Imam Maalik – the founder of the Maaliki sect. Like with other graves, a tomb was also built over his grave.
The first attack on Baqi’ – 1220 A.H.
The attack was first engineered by the Wahhabis in 1220 A.H. i.e. when the first Saudi government was overthrown by the Ottoman government. In 1220 A.H. Wahhabis entered Medinah to demolish Baqi’ and tried to demolish many mosques instead of Baqi’. They initially tried to pull down the dome of the mausoleum of the Prophet (s.a.w.a.) but apparently refrained due to fear of reprisal.
The Ottoman government renovated the mausoleums and Shias and Sunnis from all over the world accumulated funds for its renovation. Consequently, beautiful tombs were created in Baqi’ and visitors from all over the world at the time of Hajj, Umrah and Ziyaarah paid their respects to these tombs.
However, this was just the beginning of the nightmare for the Islamic world.
The Day of Demolition
The Day of Demolition as it came to be known later was the day of breaking down of all mausoleums and tombs in Baqi’.
In 1344 A.H. when Aal-e-Saud – Saudi family gained complete control of Makkah, Madinah and its neighborhood, they decided to wipe out the signs of the holy places, Jannatul Baqi’, companions and family of the Prophet (s.a.w.a.) from the map of Islam. For this, they obtained rulings from the scholars of Madinah to make it easy for themselves and to gain support of the people of Hijaz who were previously not ready for their rule.
Rulings for Demolition
Aal-e-Saud dispatched the Chief Justice Sulaiman b, Bulaihar so that he could obtain the desired rulings from the scholars of Madinah. For this, he posed questions to the scholars of Madinah in such a manner that the answers, as per the Wahhabi viewpoint, were present in the questions themselves. Similarly, the jurists (muftis) were informed beforehand to respond with the desired answers or they would be declared polytheists and killed if they failed to repent. The questions and answers were published in a Makkah-based magazine ‘Ummul Qura’ in the Shavval 1344 A.H. edition.
Sulaiman b. Bulaihar posed the following question:
  1. What do the scholars of Al-Madinahh Al-Munawwarah, may Allah increase their knowledge and understanding, have to say – Is it permissible to construct a structure and mosque over graves?
  2. If it is not permissible and Islam strongly prohibits it, then is it obligatory to demolish them and stop Muslims from praying namaz there?
  3. Can graves, structures and tombs constructed on an endowed land like Baqi’ whose some parts are not useful considered as usurped? Should not they be demolished at the earliest to do away with the oppression perpetrated on the deserving ones?
The scholars of Madinah, out of fear and greed replied to Sulaiman ibn Bulaihar as stated below:
Building a structure over graves has been collectively prohibited in traditions. Hence many scholars have given the verdict of the necessity of breaking them and we would like to take support of a tradition on the authority of Imam Ali (a.s.) wherein he instructed Abil Hayyaj: I command you to accomplish something which the Messenger of God (s.a.w.a.) had ordered me. It is that you destroy any image and any grave that you see before making it level (with the ground).
At this stage, we do not wish to comment on this tradition except that Quran permits building of a structure on graves as advocated in Surah Kahf (18): Verse XX. The Muslim nation is united on this reality and has been building graves in every era. In fact, the companions have never opposed building structure over graves, which explains why tombs and mausoleums existed in Baqi’ until they were destroyed and the graves of the first and second caliphs continue to be enshrined.
Lastly, the tradition of Abil Hayyaj, which the Wahhabis quote freely, is unreliable as it does not meet the criteria of a Sahih tradition from aspects of text and chain of narrators and more importantly contravenes the Noble Quran, the foremost test of a tradition’s reliability.
Destruction and Looting
Between 1205 A.H. and 1217 A.H., the Wahhabis attempted to occupy Hijaz several times but failed until they captured Taaef in 1217 A.H. killing many Muslims in the process. In 1218 A.H., they attacked Makkah and destroyed all the holy places including the structure built over the well of Zam Zam.
In 1216 A.H., in the month of Zilqad, the Wahhabis attacked the holy city of Karbala, laid a siege to it, killed many people in the streets and markets and plundered it until midday before fleeing the city with lot of wealth and goods. Saud himself took one-fifth of the looted amount and gave one part of the remaining loot to the soldiers on foot and two parts to the horsemen (because as per them this was a war against the disbelievers).
Attack on the Holy City of Makkah
In 1344 A.H. i.e. 1925 A.D. before the Wahhabis attacked Jannatul Baqi’, they attacked the graveyard of Makkah which is still known as Jannat ul Mo’alla and is the most venerated cemetery after Baqi’. The Prophet of God (s.a.w.a.) used to visit this graveyard, where
  1. His (s.a.w.a.) great grandfather Abdul Manaf
  2. Grandfather Abdul Muttalib (a.s.)
  3. Uncle Abu Talib (a.s.) and
  4. Wife Khadija (s.a.) are buried.
There was a mausoleum and a tomb on each of their graves. The Wahabbis demolished all of them before turning towards Madinah. It should be noted that their destructive aims were accomplished only after many Muslims were martyred in the skirmishes. The Wahhabis did not stop at killing; they made sure to plunder the mausoleums afterwards.
Destruction and Disrespect of Baqi’
It was on Wednesday, 8th Shavval 1344 A.H. i.e. 21st April 1925, under the commandership of Abdul Aziz b. Saud – the Wahhabis surrounded Madinah and fought its defenders and evicted the officials of the Ottoman government out of Madinah and then went on to destroy the graves of Imams (a.s.) i.e. grave of Imam Hasan-e-Mujtaba (a.s.), Imam Zainul Abideen (a.s.), Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) and Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.).
Other graves were also not spared viz. those of Abbas b. Abdil Muttalib, Safiyya bint Abdil Muttalib, Aatika bint Abdil Muttalib, Ibrahim son of Messenger (s.a.w.a.), Ummul Baneen, Ismael b. Imam Sadiq (a.s.), Abdullah b. Jafar-e-Tayyaar, Halimah-e-Sa’diyyah and approximately seven thousand companions of Allah’s Messenger (s.a.w.a.). Imam Malik’s grave was also demolished.
Killing and Plunder by the Wahhabis
Whenever the Wahabbis attacked the holy places, they not only killed Muslim men, women, children and the aged, but also plundered the streets and markets and escaped with abundant wealth.
Historians have documented that the Wahhabis looted forty trunks of diamonds, ornaments, and rubies and nearly one hundred swords with pure gold sheaths laden with diamonds and rubies from the mausoleums of Baqi’ in Madinah.
The Ruthlessness and Mercilessness of the Wahabbis
Noted historian Jameel Siddiqui Zahavi has documented details of the Wahhabi attack on Taaef – The head of a suckling child was severed while still clutched to the mother’s neck. People gathering the Holy Quran were killed. When houses were abandoned out of fear, they entered shops and mosques and killed the people in varying states of worship – be it bowing or prostration. Books, mostly Quran and books of jurisprudence including extracts from Sahih-e-Bukhari and Muslim were thrown in the markets and trampled on.
Such killing and plundering was not surprising from the followers of Muhammad b. Abdul Wahhab as they deemed other Muslims as disbelievers and polytheists and considered Makkah and Madinah as House of War and House of Disbelief which they redeemed after gaining control over it.
Views of the great jurist Ayatullah al-Uzma Lutfullah Saafi Gulpaigani (r.a.)
The great and renowned jurist and Marja-e-Taqleed of the Shias, author of various books, defender of Imamat and Wilayat of Ahle Bait (a.s.), the propagator of Imamat and Wilayat with the special grace of Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.), the author of the renowned book Muntakhab al-Asar fi al-Imam al-Saani Ashar, declared Sunday 8th Shavval, as a day of great calamity for the Muslim nation. He declared – This calamity has occurred not only on the Shias and the Ahle Bait (a.s.) but on the entire Muslim nation and is a loss and detriment which has befallen on Islam through this most deplorable incident and appalling action. It is a loss equal to several losses put together.
The Holy Mausoleum in the History of Islam
Ayatullah Saafi Gulpaigani (r.a.) has declared the blessed mausoleums and other effects related to Imams (a.s.) as the complete history of Islam. He stated – Wahhabis have destroyed the history of Islam and worse is that in these eighty years, they did not stop at only this act but destroyed and desolated everything which bore a trace the Prophet’s Ahle Bait (a.s.). These were memorials of Islam, blessings of Islam and the history of Islam does not have any apparent signs without them.
This great jurist of the Shias has pointed towards the fact that all nations and religions have protected and renovated their historical signs and effects. This act persuades the Muslims to protect and safeguard the corporal history of Islam. He declared – Just as these symbols are protected in the entire world, the signs of Islam should also be protected so that whoever is blessed with the visitation of Makkah and Madinah, witnesses Islam closely even centuries after its advent.
Ayatullah Saafi Gulpaigani (r.a.) blames the enemies of Islam and the selfish nature of the Salafis for this incident and elaborates – The real intention of the enemies of Islam and the Salafis is to destroy Islam and since they found this act as a debasement and an ignominy for themselves, they persuaded a group to commit this crime.
A ‘Day of Grief’ for Muslims
Ayatullah Saafi Gulpaigani (r.a.) addressed the Muslims, particularly the Shias and said – The Shias and Muslims should be aggrieved and sorrowful on this day (8th Shavval) and should curse and condemn these criminals.
Certainly the Proof of Allah – Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.) is also mournful and grief-stricken when he witnesses the desolate state of Baqi’, particularly the state of his grandmother, Hazrat Zahra (s.a.) and his forefathers’ (a.s.) graves.

Monday, 1 July 2013

Salafi Wahabi Leader accusing Shias and threatening Them

I ask all the peace loving people on Earth.
Is this the teaching of Allah and Prophet(sawa) to kill anybody who do not believe in what you believe ??.
Should Shias be killed while :
1) They believe Allah is One and Absolute and only He deserve to be worshipped.
2) Prophet Mohammad(sawa) is the Messenger of Allah and Last of the prophets.

The Salafi-Wahabi leader in Video is trying to prove to the masses that Shias are Kafir because they abuse Prophet(sawa) and his companions and Aisha.And thus they should be killed and thrown out of Egypt.
I ask this Wahabi Scholar , Why dont you debate with Shias and try to prove them wrong through peaceful discussions. And still if you feel they are wrong then follow what Quran says : Lakum deenakum waleya deen( You be with your religion and I be with mine)( Surah Kafiroon).
There should not be any reason for conflicts.
But this fellow is talking about killing and torturing which in no way is the religion of Prophet Mohammad(sawa).

Secondly it can be easily proved that what he was saying in that video is completely wrong and nonosense.

Shias believes that Prophet Mohammad(sawa) companions were normal human being and like other humans they also used to commit sins and mistakes.No doubt they have seen the Prophet but that does not guarantee them Heaven because Heaven is purely on the basis of their attachment towards Prophet(sawa) and performing good deeds.

Some of the Companions(no need to name them) denied the due rights of the Household of Prophet(sawa) and oppressed them after the demise of the Holy Prophet(sawa).
Shias being loyal and lover of Progeny of Prophet(sawa) criticize those companions purely on the basis of their attitude towards the Ahlul Bayt(Prophet's Household). These things are not the stories created by Shias. These things are found in many Sunni Reference books including Sihah e Sittah.
Shia believe that Aisha - wife of Holy Prophet committed a grave mistake by stepping out of her house to fight Ali(AS) in the battle of Jamal.Due to this battle thousands of muslim lost their lives.While it is clearly written in Quran that Prophet's wives are not like other woman so if they commit sins they would be punished twice.Even Prophet Nuh and Prophet Lot wives were deviated and Allah criticized them in Quran.
Similarly if Shias criticized them on the basis of what is found in Sunni -Shia books then what's wrong in this.
When did Shias abuse Holy Prophet(SAWA) ????
It is a big lie and no where you would any such things in Shia books.
The first person who said bad about Holy Prophet(SAWA) was Umar.He denied Holy Prophet(Sawa) pen and paper to write a will and said that he is hallucinating. Did Prophet hallucinate ???
These things are found in sunni books and Shias criticize Umar for this act. Is it wrong ??What if he had allowed Prophet(SAWA) pen and paper. Then Umar said : The Book of Allah is sufficient. Did he know more than the Prophet(SAWA) ??
Book of Allah needs a teacher who can interpret it correctly for the people after the Prophet(SAWA). Why was Prophet(SAWA) denied to write his will on his death bed. Shias criticize Umar for this. Is it wrong ????
Tell me O people of understanding.
It is because of wrong intepretation of Quran and Islam and Islam is considered as a religion of terrorist.Such Wahabi and Salafi leaders are not going to bring any good for the religion. They can only incite people to kill one another. They are the Zionist agents who want to weaken Islam internally by making them fight one another in the name of religion. 


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